Suicide...The subject is common among teens today. But when Lance decides it is the only way out of his troubles, he discovers that hell is not the party place described in popular songs.Neither I nor my roommate have ever heard any songs describe hell as a 'party place'...maybe we're just not listening to the right songs?
Even if songs did describe hell as a party place, only a complete moron would actually believe that a) The singer had actual knowledge of hell and b) hell is not fictional. Jack Chick does believe that witches and the like have real powers, though, so maybe he believes musicians really do receive inspiration from Satan.
Hey, if it wasn't for the spoiler in the summary of this tract, I'd say this was about two Christian youths finally coming to terms with their budding sexuality and entering the wondrous world of masturbation. And taking the horror stories about hairy palms and getting struck by lightning a little too seriously. And one of them has a death fetish?
"Dolly...I've had it! These two ghosts are annoying as fuck, and I'm calling Ghostbusters tomorrow!"
Anyway, NO FEAR would be two names.
"What? I said you can't tell anyone, are you deaf? I'm sure glad I'll be dead soon and won't have to hang out with such an idiot."
Damn, he's got the 'NO FEAR!' shirt and everything. This is a guy who isn't afraid of anything. Not even afraid to cry, apparently. Maybe that pox-ridden demon just has really bad garlic breath or something - "Dolly, suicide's the ONLY answer to this disgusting smell that follows me everywhere and can't be masked by anything!"
Bed seems a bit close to the window, there. Maybe? That panel has some serious space-warping issues. She seems far too tall to fit on her bed, too.
I thought they were going to that party place, hell? That aside, of course he doesn't know - no one does. The religious (like Christians) pretend they do, but they're really just trying to mask the terror they feel about death. Like as not, there's nothing after you die - and not in the 'blank void' sense, in the 'your brain is dead so you can't experience anything anymore' sense.
Judging by the darkness in the second panel, I'm guessing he tied the rope to the light fitting. Anyway, what is up with these demons? Does he hear them? If not, why are they constantly commenting on everything he does and giving him encouragements? Does Jack Chick really believe people who commit suicide are literally goaded into it by demons?
Still wearing the same shirt and pants.
"Where am I? And why am I naked?"
Demons are just sort of hanging out in front of that flame-shaped backdrop, discussing things.
It wasn't supposed to happen like this? You said you didn't know or care what happened, and now you suddenly had big expectations?
"Oh man, it is hot in here. My pores are literally spitting sweat!" Can souls sweat?
So suicide is okay if you believe in Jesus. And everyone who believes in Jesus seems to think the world is falling apart and the end days are coming. Hey guys, why not commit suicide and get to heaven early? It's GOTTA be better than this, right?
Forgive my trivializing suicide, but Jack does a much better job of it in a second.
" leg's on fire!"
I just love how surprised yet calm he seems. Like "Woah! Hey, my leg's on fire, ouch. Somebody help, please!"
"This is even hotter than before! And strangely darker! I can't stand it!"
"I'm burning! Just letting you know, because it's REALLY dark now!" Also, he can scream while talking. Or maybe it's the demon doing the CSI: Miami punchline scream.
Meanwhile, meaning Lance's funeral was scheduled for immediately after he committed suicide. You'd think someone would have been suspicious when he started making arrangements for his own funeral.
I love the pretend suspense here: "Let's Go!" "Please God, let us get to Dolly in time!" *SCREEECH* "There's the house...but I don't have my keys!" "Not to mention that if this car goes under 55 miles per hour, the BOMB in Lance's casket will go off!"
Action preacher hates doors! Good thing the surprise of having the door bashed in didn't cause the precariously balanced Dolly to fall!
There's a lot of things wrong with how he's busting in here, too: he'd have had to kick it unreasonably hard for it to come off the hinges like that and not just swing inwards, not to mention a lot higher for it to fall in top first like that. The way he's kicking, he's likely to pull something or at least fall over immediately after this panel ends.
"What do you mean? And how did my head get out of that noose so easily? And why is it at my height when I'm standing on the floor? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of using it to break my neck?"
"You were seconds from the flames of HELL!"
See, preacher man admits that you go to hell seconds after you die, so Lance obviously had to fall straight from his noose into an open casket at a graveyard for that 'Meanwhile...' to make any sense. Damn it, Jack, you're usually more consistent than this!
"But Lance and I thought suicide would end all our problems. And I guess I still do, since I still believe that hell is one big party."
"Let me tell you the SHOCKING TRUTH about this fictional place which some guys in the Middle East just made up to scare idiots into believing in their god. Listen to this incredible proof I have, from this book written by those same guys!"
Just as an aside, Ray Comfort said on his blog at one point, in response to "How can a loving God send people to eternal torment?" that it wasn't eternal in our sense of the word, since God would take away time. Doesn't quite seem like the Bible thinks the same thing. No, I'm definitely getting a 'God is an asshole' vibe from these references.
Say goodbye to Lance and any concern for him, since after this panel he's never mentioned again. Way to remember the guy who's dead, guys. Just skip the funeral, too.
"Then I've been LIED TO! I mean, assuming you're not just lying to me now, which is perfectly possible. I mean, you haven't given me any real proof at all, just told me some things and said that they're true. Man, I'm gullible. I'll probably listen to another rock song tomorrow and decide to kill myself again."
It's pretty impressive, too, that millions of people have believed the tragic lie of 'hell is a party', and I'd never even heard of the concept prior to Jack Chick telling me.
"Dolly...we ALL deserve to go to hell because we are ALL sinners. And God is an asshole who can't just love us unconditionally, like a parent loves a child. God demands a meaningless and arbitrary trust in him, in order to save us from the eternal torment that he decided to make our default afterlife, because of this one time when he gave some retarded people some fruit and told them not to eat it, and then they did."
"And here it is. Now just get down on your knees like I showed you, and put it in your mouth."
Sorry, but that face is not a proper expression for 'God gave us a gift', it's a 'I've never seen an old priest's penis before.'
And it just gets worse from here, I'm pretty sure Jack Chick has some subconscious fantasies that are playing out in this tract.
Jesus: "I finally finished my revolutionary chiropractic bed! My spine has never felt straighter, guys. Just listen to these testimonials!"
Guy on Cross One: "Ugghhh..."
Guy on Cross Three: "...*twitch*"
Ran out of interesting angles inside, so here's Fang and a pair of ghost demons. They're waiting for the demon bus or something, I suppose.
You can't look at that right hand panel and tell me it doesn't look like the face of a broken and sexually abused child. There is something seriously wrong going on here.
"So Jesus Christ died to pay for all my dirty sins. Like what I just did to the preacher when he threatened to tell my parents I'd tried to commit suicide."
"Ungh! That's great work, girls. Just like God promised us in the Bible, you'll be sure to get eternal life for this!"
"You've scared me into accepting your faith as my own! I'm so terrified of hell, I'm willing to endure what was apparently a pretty terrible life in order to avoid an imaginary far worse punishment!"
Jesus comes in your heart, not in your mouth. Not sure if that's better or worse.
"Just think, preacher! The day my friend Lance died and you convinced me that he's burning for eternity because Jesus is a giant dickhead, is the day I got eternal life! Hooray for dead Lance!"
Still looking like they've just had a traumatic experience, here.
Good times.
Have you seen the film which has nine adaptations of Jack Chick tracts? It's called "Hot Chicks" and it's great. My favorite is "Bewitched" done with puppets. There is also "Somebody Goofed" and "Doom Town" and a bunch more. I found my copy at It seems like something you'd like.